Tuesday, May 18, 2021

....when memories come to play

  It's easy to reach for a memory, as it provides a temporary solace of sorts. But like any medication it slowly fades, leaving you wanting another dose. Slowly you find yourself needing ever increasing doses. Its an addiction until someone enters your life to bring it to an end and begin a chapter anew. Its a safety valve for the heart and mind now that all is said and done. The days are far past for me. The heart and mind sit in solitude. Memories come to play each eveningfall and fade with each morning. I have loved deeply, much to my own hurt. I held on when I should have let go, walked into things knowing I should have walked away from. Sadly I have walked away when I should have held on with everything. Now? Hesitant to begin again as the heart, like the mind, is numb, afraid and unsure. Constant struggle but finally a few moments of relief


...when memories come to play.

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