Monday, February 7, 2011


...looking over my last several posts I have been thinking....Yes, I know. A dangerous thing to be doing eh? But I feel the need to broaden my view of the current situation I am in. Slow down and breathe. Maybe its a fear of sorts, or the protection mode kicking in as I always expect the bell to begin tolling the arrival of a goodbye or loss or something not so pleasant in my future. Whenever happiness tries to pay me a visit it seems not so far behind. Conclusion? While I have found what I am looking for in life, is it mine to have? One side of the coin says time will tell. The other side plainly says no. Ah, but here is the epiphany of sorts. If "goodbye" is the inevitable conclusion, it is still very encouraging to have had such a one grace my presence. So where does this leave me? Nowhere but right here..but I will tone down my thoughts a little. Breathe a little slower and give whats needed to be given, if only to protect myself. Falling hurts, especially when there is no one there to catch you. I have indeed met someone wonderful. I ask my frequent visitors here to forgive me for indulging myself so deeply in thoughts of fancy upon finding this person. Its been many years since I have felt this, this deeply and even after all this time the sweet discovery is a bit overwhelming. Time heals all wounds as I know for a certainty and time answers all questions. Patience has never been a strong point for me. But for this I think I can happily learn...


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