Tuesday, July 26, 2011

...for now.

...while on the road the mind watches the miles pass, the sun set as well as rise and road stretches out and beckons me go further. The call is answered but with each answer another question is uncovered. Freedom slowly becomes its own prison and I quicken my pace, testing the limits of my sanity. Revisiting places once held dear now all is different or gone completely. Few and far between are the places and moments in time I can call home. Troubled thoughts cloud my reasoning and I wonder where I go from here. Fortress of solitude is no more. Sought for and where it once stood, nothing remains and now I must move on, hurting and wounded deeply. Wanting so little for so long now it seems common place to have nothing that feels like my own or anyplace that feels like home. The heart finds its voice and sighs deeply. Slowly the wing dips and a change of course ensues yet I feel as if I am flying blind. Seeking for something I cant get and I have no clue what I am even seeking. Contradiction of all it seems. Something different, unseen but felt. So close yet so far from view. Memories come to play, taunt me for what I let go, for chances missed, for choices made. As for now I have nothing to fight back with..

...for now.

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