Monday, April 27, 2009


Not been able to write for a little while. It hasn't been for the lack of thoughts begging to be released but not being able to work my way through them, trying to place each into perspective and my mind has been to busy to rest...

but tonight...

Since my divorce, which is almost a year and a half old, I am finding a hesitation more and more on my part. There is a yearning to move on but something is there silently holding me. Its not a hope of reconciliation but almost a "why bother" feeling. Am I looking, waiting for this "Ms Unmistakable" and overlooking whats in front of me at the moment? I can't settle just to end the loneliness but it does get heavy on the heart sometimes and that sometimes is becoming more frequent. Thoughts still trying to bottleneck here tonight. My writing is struggling to find its direction and this is frustrating as it seems I have found a purgatory of the heart tonight.

another night alone...

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