Sunday, March 6, 2011

........God only knows why.

...Would really like to place a tapestry of words, emotions and insightful prose on the blog here tonight, but its just not coming out like I hoped for. Reading back over several entries I seem to be a mental case more and more. I do find that somewhat amusing though but I am growing tired of this life, this shell, this cloak I have, sadly, grown accustomed to wearing. Having to wait day after day year after year wondering will this life end and a new one begin? A smile, a hello and all here forgotten? So close it seems but yet so far and the journey of a wayfarer continues. Having said goodbye that August evening so many years ago has remained deep inside and forgiveness hasn't been given yet it would seem. Every year, every March it hits home and it hits hard. The day I said hello comes and passes and nothing has changed since that day. Feeling further away from what I seek, where I want to be in life. Waiting for something and the more time passes the more I wonder why I am even waiting...

God only knows why....

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